1 de junho de 2017

Dave Mail 88: The Red Hot Chili Peppers' creative power

How would you define John Frusciante as a musician, and his way of applying the ideas about the band? He shows a certain malleability with his music, but at the same time he seems to be sure of what to do. Were there many "discussions" about where the music should go?

Dave Lee: "When they were writing songs, there was a lot of jamming going on. But much of their writing sessions are done in complete privacy. Just those four guys in the room. But they all respect each others creativity. I don't remember any tension between the guys during this process."

Question by:
Rafael Matoso - Recife, PE - Brazil

Check out our interview with Dave Lee: Português | English

2 comentários:

  1. Can you please ask about the bridge set up? Was it floating or decked on his stratocasters? Thanks a lot for doing this, so much to learn here!

    1. Yes. www.jfeffects.com.br/2017/06/dave-mail-94-stratocasters-braco-e.html


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